These pages desribe some basics about us, such as who we are as a rule and the kinds of things we do in our group whereas flying is concerned - on a general level. Every online group has it's own overall personality and culture, and this information provides individuals with valuable information about us who may be looking to join us in the future. Ensuring that Virtual Carrier Air Wing One provides the flight experience one is looking for is an important part of that consideration, but equally important is ensuring that you'll fit in with the group as a whole on a more personal level as well.
For more detailed information about our flight operations and how we conduct our flights, please head to our Operations link pages describe more specific detail in how we fly our missions and campaigns.
Like any online group, gaming, simulation, or otherwise, we're a collective of different individuals with different backgrounds that all get together due to a shared interest - in this case, U.S. Naval Operations.
Click this link to get a better idea of the type of people we are and what we're generally looking for with new recruits personality-wise.
What we do, to put it simply, is fly the combat platform Digital Combat Simulator, developed by Eagle Dynamics. As stated previously on the site, the primary aircraft we fly is the F/A-18C off the Supercarrier module.
Click this link to get general information on what we do as a group - not just with our flights, but also day to day activities as well.
As with any online community where people get together to conduct group activities, we expect our members to conduct themselves with integrity, be as professional as possible, and respect one another and those outside our group.
Click this link to read our Code of Conduct, and what these expectations entail for each and every member of Virtual Carrier Air Wing One.